What is Wire Fraud and How to Avoid It by Sandy Dodge A form of cybercrime, wire fraud has led to major losses for homebuyers in recent years. Get to know what it is and what steps you can take to avoid it. What is wire fraud? Real estate wire fraud is a scam […]
Eco-friendly Upgrades to Consider When Buying a Home by Windermere Staff Buying a home is one of the largest investments you’ll make in your lifetime, which is why it’s important to take a long-term approach when looking at potential properties. In addition to imagining what your living situation will be over the next few decades […]
Minimize Stress While Selling Your Home by Meaghan McGlynn After years of collecting furniture, plants, and memories, the thought of preparing your home to sell and moving to a new one can be daunting and stir up a lot of emotions. But selling your home doesn’t have to be stressful; here are a few tips […]
What Does DOM Mean in Real Estate? by Dane Pray As you start searching for homes, you’ll likely come across different terms that describe the status of different listings. One term, “Days on Market” (DOM), can play a role in your strategy for making an offer. Knowing what this term means will help to inform your […]
Simple Ways to Conserve Energy at Home by Meaghan McGlynn Whether you want to use less energy to reduce your carbon footprint or your monthly costs, there are plenty of easy ways to conserve the electricity and natural gas you’re using in your home. Energy conservation can be as simple as closing your curtains, changing […]
5 Stress-Reducing Tips for Planning Your Long-Distance Move By Realtor.com Move-in day excitement shouldn’t be overshadowed by moving day anxiety. Some smart preparation can go a long way towards making moving a little more uplifting (and a little less heavy lifting). Here are 5 things you can do leading up to your move to make for […]
How to Stay Safe at Home During a Power Outage by Sandy Dodge A stormy night with the lights out can complicate things at home. But with the right preparation, you and your household can switch gears quickly and ride out the blackout period, however long it may last. Power outages can happen unexpectedly, so […]
Dear clients, as of January 1, 2024 major changes to the real estate laws in Washington state will go into effect. The intention is to elevate the level of transparency and consumer protection surrounding buyer representation. What is Changing? For years, real estate brokerage firms were only required to enter into written agreements with sellers, […]
Turnkey vs. Fixer-Upper: Pros and Cons by Sandy Dodge The beauty of real estate is that different properties satisfy different needs. Although single-family homes are great for putting down roots, that may not be your motivation for purchasing your next home. If you’re looking to buy a property with the intent of renting it, both turnkey and […]
What to Do After Moving Into a New Home by Sandy Dodge Nothing beats the feeling of buying a new home. You’ve worked hard with your agent to find the right home for you, you’ve worked with the seller to finalize the deal, and you’ve signed all the paperwork to transfer ownership. Congratulations! Everything has led […]